USE [msdb] GO /****** Object: Job 级差日结 Script Date: 02/28/2020 12:13:44 ******/ BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @ReturnCode INT SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 /****** Object: JobCategory [[Uncategorized (Local)]]] Script Date: 02/28/2020 12:13:45 ******/ IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories WHERE name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]' AND category_class=1) BEGIN EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_category @class=N'JOB', @type=N'LOCAL', @name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]' IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback END DECLARE @jobId BINARY(16) EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=N'级差日结', @enabled=1, @notify_level_eventlog=0, @notify_level_email=0, @notify_level_netsend=0, @notify_level_page=0, @delete_level=0, @description=N'缉查', @category_name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]', @owner_login_name=N'sa', @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback /****** Object: Step [step] Script Date: 02/28/2020 12:13:45 ******/ EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId, @step_name=N'step', @step_id=1, @cmdexec_success_code=0, @on_success_action=1, @on_success_step_id=0, @on_fail_action=2, @on_fail_step_id=0, @retry_attempts=0, @retry_interval=0, @os_run_priority=0, @subsystem=N'TSQL', @command=N'USE RYTreasureDB go DECLARE @PreStartDate DATETIME,@PreEndDate DATETIME; SET @PreStartDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE()),120) SET @PreEndDate= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120) --昨天日期 DECLARE @PreWeekDate INT; SET @PreWeekDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE()),112); --SELECT @PreWeekDate IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM RYTreasureDB..RecordAgentRevenue_QM WHERE TimeKey= @PreWeekDate) BEGIN RETURN; END DECLARE @TodayKey INT; SET @TodayKey = CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(13), GETDATE(), 112) AS INT); BEGIN TRAN BEGIN TRY IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb.dbo.#AgentRevenue_QM'') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.#AgentRevenue_QM END SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY ai.SpreaderID ) AS Num , aa.UserID,ai.SpreaderID AS ParentUserID INTO #AgentRevenue_QM FROM RYAccountsDB..AccountsAgent AS aa LEFT JOIN RYAccountsDB..AccountsInfo AS ai ON aa.UserID = ai.UserID WHERE aa.Nullity = 0; --SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY aa.UserID DESC ) AS Num,aa.UserID,aa.SpreaderID AS ParentUserID --INTO #AgentRevenue_QM --FROM RYAccountsDB..AccountsInfo AS aa WHERE aa.IsAndroid=0 AND aa.Nullity = 0; DECLARE @AgentCount INT; SELECT @AgentCount = COUNT(1) FROM #AgentRevenue_QM; IF @AgentCount <= 0 BEGIN RETURN; END DECLARE @num INT; SET @num = @AgentCount; WHILE @num>0 BEGIN DECLARE @AgentUserID INT,@ParentUserID INT; SET @AgentUserID=NULL; SET @ParentUserID=NULL; SELECT @AgentUserID=UserID,@ParentUserID=ParentUserID FROM #AgentRevenue_QM WHERE Num = @num; IF @ParentUserID IS NULL BEGIN SET @ParentUserID = 0; END --获取直属会员业绩 DECLARE @PlayerScore DECIMAL(18,2); SET @PlayerScore= NULL; SELECT @PlayerScore=SUM(ABS(CASE WHEN ISNULL(TotalAdd,0)=0 THEN ABS(Score) ELSE TotalAdd END)) FROM RYTreasureDB..RecordDrawScore(NOLOCK) AS rds WHERE rds.InsertTime BETWEEN @PreStartDate AND @PreEndDate AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM RYAccountsDB..AccountsInfo(NOLOCK) AS ai WHERE ai.SpreaderID = @AgentUserID AND ai.UserID=rds.UserID) IF @PlayerScore IS NULL BEGIN SET @PlayerScore = 0; END SET @PlayerScore = @PlayerScore/100; INSERT INTO dbo.RecordAgentRevenue_QM ( TodayKey ,TimeKey ,AgentUserID,ParentUserID ,AgentLevel , ChildPlayerScore ,ChildAgentScore ,ChildPlayerMoney ,ChildAgentMoney , TotalMoney ,MyMoney , RecordDate ) VALUES (@TodayKey,@PreWeekDate,@AgentUserID,@ParentUserID,0, @PlayerScore,0,0,0, 0,0,GETDATE() ) SET @num=@num-1; END --计算下级推广员业绩 SET @num = @AgentCount; WHILE @num>0 BEGIN DECLARE @AgentUserID2 INT; SET @AgentUserID2 = NULL; SELECT @AgentUserID2=UserID FROM #AgentRevenue_QM WHERE Num = @num; DECLARE @ChildAgentScore DECIMAL(18,2); SET @ChildAgentScore = NULL; SELECT @ChildAgentScore=SUM(ChildPlayerScore+ChildAgentScore) FROM dbo.RecordAgentRevenue_QM(NOLOCK) WHERE ParentUserID=@AgentUserID2 AND TimeKey=@PreWeekDate; IF @ChildAgentScore IS NULL BEGIN SET @ChildAgentScore = 0; END UPDATE dbo.RecordAgentRevenue_QM SET ChildAgentScore = @ChildAgentScore WHERE AgentUserID=@AgentUserID2 AND TimeKey = @PreWeekDate; SET @num=@num-1; END IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb.dbo.#AgentRevenue_QM_calc'') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.#AgentRevenue_QM_calc END SELECT * INTO #AgentRevenue_QM_calc FROM dbo.RecordAgentRevenue_QM WHERE TimeKey = @PreWeekDate --计算总业 SET @num = @AgentCount; WHILE @num>0 BEGIN DECLARE @AgentUserID3 INT; SET @AgentUserID3 = NULL; SELECT @AgentUserID3=UserID FROM #AgentRevenue_QM WHERE Num = @num; DECLARE @ChildAgentTotalScore DECIMAL(18,2); SET @ChildAgentTotalScore = NULL; SELECT @ChildAgentTotalScore=SUM(ChildPlayerScore+ChildAgentScore) FROM tempdb.dbo.#AgentRevenue_QM_calc(NOLOCK) WHERE ParentUserID=@AgentUserID3 AND TimeKey=@PreWeekDate; IF @ChildAgentTotalScore IS NULL BEGIN SET @ChildAgentTotalScore = 0; END UPDATE dbo.RecordAgentRevenue_QM SET ChildAgentScore = @ChildAgentTotalScore WHERE AgentUserID=@AgentUserID3 AND TimeKey = @PreWeekDate; DECLARE @@ChildPlayerScore DECIMAL(18,2),@@ChildAgentScore DECIMAL(18,2); SET @@ChildPlayerScore = NULL; SET @@ChildAgentScore = NULL; SELECT @@ChildPlayerScore=ChildPlayerScore,@@ChildAgentScore=ChildAgentScore FROM dbo.RecordAgentRevenue_QM(NOLOCK) WHERE AgentUserID=@AgentUserID3 AND TimeKey = @PreWeekDate; --计算等级 DECLARE @AgentLevel INT,@BaodiAgentLevel INT,@ReturnMoney DECIMAL(18,2),@ChildPlayerMoney DECIMAL(18,3),@ChildAgentMoney DECIMAL(18,3),@TotalMoney DECIMAL(18,3),@MyMoney DECIMAL(18,3); SET @AgentLevel = NULL; SET @BaodiAgentLevel = NULL; SET @ReturnMoney = NULL; SET @ChildPlayerMoney = NULL; SET @ChildAgentMoney = NULL; SET @TotalMoney = NULL; SET @MyMoney = NULL; SET @AgentLevel = NULL; SELECT @BaodiAgentLevel=Level FROM RYAccountsDB..AgentLevel_JF WHERE UserID = @AgentUserID3; IF @BaodiAgentLevel IS NULL BEGIN SET @BaodiAgentLevel =0; END SELECT @AgentLevel=Level FROM RYAccountsDB..AgentLevel_QM(NOLOCK) WHERE (@@ChildPlayerScore+@@ChildAgentScore) BETWEEN MinScore AND MaxScore-1 ORDER BY Level DESC; IF @AgentLevel IS NULL BEGIN SET @AgentLevel =0; END SET @AgentLevel = CASE WHEN @AgentLevel>@BaodiAgentLevel THEN @AgentLevel ELSE @BaodiAgentLevel END; SELECT @ReturnMoney=ReturnMoney FROM RYAccountsDB..AgentLevel_QM WHERE Level=@AgentLevel; --直属会员佣 SET @ChildPlayerMoney = ISNULL(@@ChildPlayerScore,0)/10000; SET @ChildPlayerMoney = @ChildPlayerMoney * ISNULL(@ReturnMoney,0); --下级推广员佣 SET @ChildAgentMoney = ISNULL(@@ChildAgentScore,0)/10000; DECLARE @ChildAgentReturnMoney DECIMAL(18,2); SET @ChildAgentReturnMoney = NULL; SELECT @ChildAgentReturnMoney=ReturnMoney FROM RYAccountsDB..AgentLevel_QM(NOLOCK) WHERE @@ChildAgentScore BETWEEN MinScore AND MaxScore-1 ORDER BY Level DESC; IF @ChildAgentReturnMoney IS NULL BEGIN SET @ChildAgentReturnMoney = 0; END SET @ChildAgentMoney = ISNULL(@ChildAgentMoney,0) * ISNULL(@ChildAgentReturnMoney,0); --获取所有下级计算差 IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb.dbo.#TMP_Child'') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.#TMP_Child END select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by AgentUserID )as Num,* into #TMP_Child from tempdb.dbo.#AgentRevenue_QM_calc(NOLOCK) WHERE ParentUserID=@AgentUserID3; declare @ChildCount int,@ChildIndex int,@C_Total_AgentMoney decimal(18,2); set @C_Total_AgentMoney = 0; set @ChildIndex = 1; select @ChildCount=COUNT(1) from #TMP_Child; while(@ChildCount>=@ChildIndex) begin declare @C_Score decimal(18,2),@C_Return int,@CC_UserID int,@CC_Level int; SET @C_Score=NULL; SET @C_Return=NULL; SET @CC_UserID=NULL; SET @CC_Level=NULL; select @C_Score=ISNULL(tc.ChildAgentScore,0)+ISNULL(tc.ChildPlayerScore,0),@CC_UserID=AgentUserID from tempdb.dbo.#TMP_Child(NOLOCK) as tc where tc.Num=@ChildIndex; SELECT @CC_Level=Level FROM RYAccountsDB..AgentLevel_JF WHERE UserID = @CC_UserID; IF @CC_Level IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @CC_Level=Level,@C_Return=ReturnMoney FROM RYAccountsDB..AgentLevel_QM(NOLOCK) WHERE (@C_Score) BETWEEN MinScore AND MaxScore-1 ORDER BY Level DESC; END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @C_Return=ReturnMoney FROM RYAccountsDB..AgentLevel_QM WHERE Level=@CC_Level; END declare @tmp_Return int; set @tmp_Return = @ReturnMoney-@C_Return; if @tmp_Return<=0 begin set @ChildIndex = @ChildIndex+1; continue; end set @C_Total_AgentMoney = @C_Total_AgentMoney+(@C_Score/10000*@tmp_Return) set @ChildIndex = @ChildIndex+1; END IF @C_Total_AgentMoney IS NULL BEGIN SET @C_Total_AgentMoney = 0; END --总佣 SET @TotalMoney = (ISNULL(@@ChildPlayerScore,0))/10000; SET @TotalMoney = @TotalMoney * ISNULL(@ReturnMoney,0); set @TotalMoney=@TotalMoney+@C_Total_AgentMoney; IF @TotalMoney>0 BEGIN PRINT @TotalMoney; END --本周我的佣 SET @MyMoney = @TotalMoney; IF @TotalMoney IS NULL BEGIN SET @TotalMoney =0; END IF @MyMoney IS NULL BEGIN SET @MyMoney= 0; END UPDATE dbo.RecordAgentRevenue_QM SET AgentLevel = @AgentLevel,ChildPlayerMoney = @ChildPlayerMoney,ChildAgentMoney=@C_Total_AgentMoney,TotalMoney=@TotalMoney,MyMoney=@MyMoney WHERE AgentUserID=@AgentUserID3 AND TimeKey = @PreWeekDate; UPDATE RYAccountsDB..AccountBalance_QM SET Balance = Balance+ISNULL(@MyMoney,0) WHERE UserID = @AgentUserID3; UPDATE RYAccountsDB..AccountBalance_QM SET Balance = Balance-PreWithdraw WHERE UserID = @AgentUserID3; UPDATE RYAccountsDB..AccountBalance_QM SET PreWithdraw = 0 WHERE UserID = @AgentUserID3; IF @@ROWCOUNT =0 BEGIN INSERT INTO RYAccountsDB..AccountBalance_QM(UserID,Balance) VALUES(@AgentUserID3,@MyMoney); END SET @num=@num-1; END COMMIT TRAN; END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRAN; END CATCH', @database_name=N'RYTreasureDB', @flags=0 IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @jobId, @start_step_id = 1 IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule @job_id=@jobId, @name=N'plan', @enabled=1, @freq_type=4, @freq_interval=1, @freq_subday_type=1, @freq_subday_interval=0, @freq_relative_interval=0, @freq_recurrence_factor=0, @active_start_date=20200113, @active_end_date=99991231, @active_start_time=0, @active_end_time=235959, @schedule_uid=N'9063315d-1e8d-49ad-ae3a-53a138428c3d' IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id = @jobId, @server_name = N'(local)' IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback COMMIT TRANSACTION GOTO EndSave QuitWithRollback: IF (@@TRANCOUNT > 0) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION EndSave: GO